Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lost Season Premier

For those who are unaware, I am an officially huge fan of the TV series "Lost." There are few programs I am extremely passionate about, but this is definately one of them. Well today was the season premier of the fourth season. Unfortunately the season will likely be thrust into reruns this year, but I am glad it is back for now.

The new season begins with us being thrust forward in time again as opposed the original flashbacks of the first 3 seasons. This is an interesting shift, and definately one I am currently enjoying, yet I hope it does not become too disjointed with two primary plots in two seperate time periods. This of course has allowed them to open up a whole new line of questioning, and also appears to allow one of my favorite characters "Charlie" to stay a regular on the show.

Well without ruining the show as you should definately watch it, I have to say I am pleased they decided on an end date last year. It appears to have encouraged the writers to move forward again in the plot, unlike the dismall Season 2 and first half of Season 3. But those who have endured are definately being rewarded. The refocussing on the Whisper's story arch is a welcome return, and will definately cause a stir on the Fuselage. I look forward to seeing the breakdowns and transcripts when they are completed.

Ultimately I think this will be an excellent season, and we already have a good item to speculate on. Who is the Oceanic six? So far its Jack, Kate, Hurley, one mystery dead guy, and two others. Who makes it off the Island? And why do they now want or rather NEED to go back? What are they keeping a secret and from whom, and why? Oh the questions are being asked again, and once again I am hooked. For those who have missed it, rent the DVD's and get caught up as this season is taking a positive step forward.

Now if Heroes can do the same thing and move back to an innovative type story, I would be very happy indeed.

I had the priviledge of watching the premier with Adam and Leslie, April and Adrian, and Romero. It was very nice, and I have to say Adam and Leslie can definately keep a person entertained. Well, I hope everyone is well, and I look forward to enjoying the rest of this season, and hope you enjoy watching it as well! I'll be trolling the Fuselage again. Hope to see you there.


general125 said...

I'm glad we could be your puppets. A play thing for your amusement.

You've kept your feelings about Charlie under the surface. I for one hatED Charlie and was delighted when he died. He was a character that did nothing to advance the plot and added little to my lost expierence.

I too loved the episode and like the flash forwards. I think they have two solid story arc's that will converge neatly at the end of this short season.

Adrian said...

How come the Oceanic 6 sounds alot like the T-mobile ads?

Who's in your fav 5?

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Ben(DEAD), Sun, Jin