Sunday, March 29, 2009


There are few things in this world that defy logic as much as traditions. Whether it be familial, religious, or just plain usual, traditions are often things that make little sense outside those that are participating. I try not to be cynical, as I know I fall into the category of a traditionalist in some aspects of my life, but Texas can sometime really take the cake when it comes to being "Texan."

However, as I was driving down the road today, I could not begrudge those that were stopped on the side of the road to take pictures amongst the bluebonnets. Maybe it was because they weren't holding up traffic (then I might have felt different.) However it is nice to see loved ones out enjoying an evening together taking pictures of their children or significant others amongst the flowers. It's a bit of quaint country flair amongst the big city lights. Although sometimes I question the wisdom of getting the kids out of the car on 183 in the middle of the day.

I promise you, in the span of 2 miles of busy highway I saw at least 6 families stopped at various patches of flora. Anyway, I hope that it was a pleasant evening for all of them. It is furthermore my hope that maybe one day out with the right person, you might find me taking pictures as well amongst Texas' favorite flower.

1 comment:

RC said...

Woa- I didn't even know you had a blog - and I find it but it doesn't look like your updating it :-(

Seeing a mass of bluebonnets along the road is an impressive site.